The Safest Country to Travel In

I just finished reading one of those “10 Best” or “10 Worst” articles. I’m always a sucker for them. This one was in the British Daily Telegraph, which I often browse online. It listed the 10 most dangerous cities to visit in the world. There were few surprises – Caracas, Rio, Acapulco, Capetown, Juarez, etc. Majority were in Latin America.

How about the safest places to visit in 2015? I would certainly nominate Tehran, Esfahan and other large Iranian cities as the safest places for tourists to visit in the world. Tehran, for example, was a place where we had no fear about leaving our hotel at night and walking around in an unknown city. There is virtually no street crime. And because Iranian businesses often closed during the mid-day heat, they tend to stay open later at night. The restaurant scene at night in large cities is also lively.

So don’t be put off by myths about Iran being dangerous,. Come see for yourself.