When Are Our Tours to Iran Scheduled?

We often get inquiries, by phone or email, asking when our tours to Iran are scheduled. The fact is that they are not scheduled at all. We do not operate like most other tour operators do in the sense that we do not pick a date for a group tour and then try to fill the group. attempting to get enough people to make the trip profitable to run. Very often group tours are cancelled if not enough people sign up.

This is not how we operate. We will run a tour for 1 person, ONE. In fact, one of our clients is arriving in Iran today for a solo tour.

Our tours are scheduled whenever you want to go.

We have also run a number of tours for couples – married couples, mother and daughter, sister and brother, etc. But, you may ask, aren’t such tours terribly expensive? It turns out that our private luxury tours, for just one or two people, are actually less expensive than group tours offered by people like the New York Times.

Our Classic tour to Iran for two people traveling together costs almost $3,000 less than the New York Times is charging for a very similar tour in a large group.

Yes, you can actually travel privately to Iran with your spouse for a cost equal to around 1/3 less than the Times is charging. And, just to be clear, our tours are in no way inferior to those other, more expensive tours. The hotels you will stay at are at least as good and, sometimes, better.

When we explain that to people we are sometimes asked – How do you manage to do that?

The answer to that question is fairly simple – We make less profit than they do. We are happy to send people to Iran and make a modest profit because we feel that the more American tours who visit Iran the better relations between our two countries will be.