What can I buy in Iran? Carpets Some of the larger merchants in the bazaars can ship carpets through Dubai or other Gulf states. Many of them say that you do not have to pay until you receive them at…
“Aside from money, what else should I bring with me?”
Aside from money, what else should I bring with me? Many people have a standard set of items that they always take on a trip. But there are some items you need specifically for Iran. Women should take a scarf…
“Do I need travel insurance?”
Do I need travel insurance for my Iranian tour? We do not recommend any type of specific travel insurance for Iran. But if you feel more comfortable purchasing travel insurance then do so. Iran is a very safe country as…
“What kind of car or auto will we be traveling in?”
What kind of vehicle will I be traveling in? If you are only two people traveling, you will be sitting in the back seat of an average-sized 4-door vehicle, often a Peugeot or Renault. If you are in a larger…
“Is Iran safe for American women?”
Is Iran safe for women? Iran is very safe for women (and men). There is virtually no street crime nor any other annoyances that women travelers can run into in some other countries.
“Do I need any special immunizations?”
Do I need any special inoculations? According to the CDC (US Center for Disease Control), “You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel., but feel free…
“Is true I can’t drink while in Iran?”
Will I have access to alcoholic beverages in Iran. No, drinking alcohol is illegal. No drugs either. Restaurants serve non-alcoholic beer, water and soft drinks, including all Coke and Pepsi products.
“What about the hotels in Iran?”
Are hotels guaranteed? Hotels are not guaranteed. However, we will promise to book you into the very best hotels available in the towns you visit. Availability of top hotels is a factor of when you visit – is it the…
“How do I get a Iranian visa?”
How do I get a visa? See the How to get an Iranian Visa section.
“How should we dress in Iran?”
How should I dress when traveling in Iran? Women need to wear a head covering when going out in public, as illustrated in the photo above. Hair can be showing, but there does need to be some sort of covering.…