Hotels are not guaranteed. However, we will promise to book you into the very best hotels available in the towns you visit.
Availability of top hotels is a factor of when you visit – is it the most popular tourist season? – and how far in advance you book. That being said, Iranian hotels are quite nice and you will not be put into any inferior accommodations.
The hotels can range – from 5-star accommodations in the larger tourist cities, such as Shiraz and Isfahan, as well as in Tehran – to somewhat more modest accommodations in other cities. But you will find that the hotels are all quite nice, perhaps nicer than you might expect. Iran is a very developed country. You will not be traveling in a third-world environment.
Almost every hotel has wi-fi. There may be 1 or 2 occasions when you might have to go down to the lobby to access it, but most places have it free and available in the rooms.